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Policies and Expectations

  • We do not provide psychology, psychological therapy, licensed counseling or certified addictions counseling. We do provide a referral list for licensed counseling and psychological services upon request.

  • We do not provide medical advice, nutritional advice, legal advice or advice regarding licensed services and therapies in the areas just mentioned. We provide listening prayer ministry consistent with the faith and practice of most Christian churches.

  • Our sessions are confidential, except when Colorado statutes regarding mandatory reporting apply. Our ministers are mandatory reporters and we do comply with Colorado laws. State statutes require that cases of serious potential for suicide, possible physical harm to others and any known or suspected instances of child or elder (age 70 and older) abuse be reported to local authorities.

  • Confidential information that is not covered by mandatory reporting laws cannot be disclosed without your written consent. Exceptions may apply when we minister to minor children (17 and under) with parental or legal guardian consent. Exceptions will be discussed with parent or legal guardian and the minor upon request of the parties involved.

  • Any notes we make or records we keep on sessions with our ministry guests will be kept in locked, confidential files. The ministry guest may obtain a copy upon written request and after signing the confidentiality release form.

  • We do not provide court ordered counseling. We’ll help you check our referral list for counselors and therapists qualified to do this.

  • At the time of appointment, each guest will be asked to sign a Liability Waiver and Release form and complete a Sozo Freedom Steps Ministry in-take form. These forms must be signed by a parent or legal guardian for any minor receiving ministry.

  • We reserve the right to not offer a ministry appointment. In the event we do not make an appointment, we will seek to provide a referral list that may cover the needed service or therapy.

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Policies and Expectations

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Release of Liability

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